MultiLED CG8


The MultiLED CG8 is a High-G LED solution with field changeable lens. It may be operated in either continuous or pulse mode with the CG8 Controller.
CG8 supplies power for 1 to 8 „CG8-L1“ lamp heads
CG8 battery pack attached to CG8 control unit (exchangeable)
Charger input
Strobe via trigger signal (TTL) down to 1 μs rise time and 2 μs fall time (invertible)
Trigger in: TTL, invertible
Enable input to disable trigger input
50 seconds of continuous operation, battery capacity sufficient for 420 seconds (8 lamp heads at 100% power)
LCD display control and monitoring
100 G
6.000 Lm continuous output per LED head, greatly increased efficiency compared to G9 due to new lens system
For further information please contact a member of the team at Photo-Sonics International Ltd.