Precision Timing Systems
The Inter-Range Instrumentation Group, known by the abbreviation IRIG, first developed timecodes in the late 1950's. Since 1960, they have been used across the world so that engineers can pin point exactly when an event happened, compare measurement, and synchronise recordings. You can learn more about IRIG 200 Time Codes here.
Precision Time Protocol (PTP) first emerged in 2002 as a protocol used to synchronise clocks through a computer network. With an accuracy in the sub-microsecond level it has become a suitable tool for networked instrumentation as well as finding acceptance within the financial services and mobile phone industries. Want to learn more about Precision Time Protocol (PTP) here.
From IRIG time source generators, displays and IRIG video inserters we have a solution to ensure your data and video is in sync.
Time Code Generators & Distribution Amplifiers

6155E Series Handheld Time Code Generator
A range of battery powered, handheld unit which provides an IRIG B timecode output synchronized with UTC time, derived from GPS, and a serial data output which includes UTC Time, Latitude and Longitude.

6115G-3E Janus Time Code Generator
When synchronized to the internal GPS or and external 1PPS, may be set to perform as a local PTP Master Clock in accordance with IEEE standard 1588 V2 default profile.

6115G-8S Series IRIG B Time Code Generator
Synchronised Miniature Time Code Generator provides an IRIG B time code output derived from GPS.
Video Inserters & Recorders

6041K Kronos HD Video Inserter
The Kronos HD is a single purpose device which will embed a microsecond timestamp on each vertical sync event of a SMPTE, 292M or 424M SDI video stream.

6055C-nGHD series HD Video and Data Inserter
The 6055C-nGHD series is an high precision multi-channel HD-SDI video insertion system designed for test range applications.

6520 HD-SDI Video Inserter & Recorder
The model 6520 HD-SDI / I-Observe system records and plays uncompressed SDI video. Source video may be, 20p or 1080p at 25, 30, 50 and 60 frames/sec and 480i/60 1080i/60 and at NTSC rates.