Telemetry Transmitters for Space Launch Applications

HyperLink Telemetry Transmitter
A stand alone digital telemetry transmitter for launch vehicles, large range missiles, supporting PCM/FM, SOPQSK-TG and multi-h CPM modulations and providing either 5 W or 10 W output power.
The transmitter supports the classical S and C telemetry bands, as well as L band used by the INMARSAT InRange system, enabling Satellite-based telemetry on-board launch vehicles.
Due to its small size, the HyperLink can also be inserted in a CMA Data Acquisition Unit stack.
Key Features:
1 RF Output
L, S, C band frequency
Output power 5 W to 10 W (+37 dBm or + 40 dBm, down to + 10 dBm)
Programmable modulations
Bit rate up to 36 Mbps (SOQPSK-TG and multi-h CPM) and 18 Mbps (PCM/FM)
Activatable Viterbi encoder (1/2, 7)
Activatable IRIG106-Ch2 or CCSDS LDPC encoder (R=1/2, 2/3, 4/5 & k=1024, 4096)
User processing capable
Small size 3" x 2" x 0.85" (76.2 x 50.8 x 21.6 mm)

Initially designed with the Ariane project in mind, the DTRDM digital telemetry transmitter supports PCM/FM, SOQPSK-TG and multi-h CPM modulations and provides 10W output power in S band.
Many parameters (Modulation type, Carrier frequency, RF output power data rate and others) are configurable by software to meet most system requirements and to offer a complete solution to your data link needs.
Small size, light weight and robustness make it ideal for integration in very limited space. It is also ITAR free and CE marked.
Key Functional Specifications:
1 RF output.
S band frequency, 2180 - 2485MHz, in 500kHz tuning steps.
Output power from 10 W (+40 dBm) to 10mW (+10dBm).
Programmable modulations (IRIG 106): Tier 0 (PCM/FM), Tier I (SOQPSK-TG) and Tier II (Multi-h CPM)
Bit rate up to 36Mbps (Tier I and Tier II) and 18Mbps (Tier 0).
Embedded Viterbi encoder (1/2, 7).
Embedded IRIG LDPC encoder (R=1/2, 2/3, 4/5 & k=1024, 4096).
Input: Data/Clock (RS422).
Remote RF output power control.
Small size 3.2" x 4" x 1.3"(82 x 102 x 33mm).
Space Launch Instrumentation Product Menu : CMA Data Acquisition - SE-320 Camera - Telemetry Transmitters
For more technical details, contact a member of the team at Photo-Sonics International Ltd.