MultiLED G9 - Discontinued

MULTILED G9 Controller and A1 LED Heads - Discontinued
Please take a look at our current range of high performance LED lighting.

The MultiLED G9 is a High-G LED solution consisting of a controller and up to nine A1 LED lamps.
G9 battery pack attached to G9 control unit (changeable).
Charging input in G9.
Strobe via trigger signal (TTL) down to 1 μs rise time and 2 μs fall time (invertable).
Enable input BNC TTL to override trigger in.
30 seconds of continuous operation with 9 lamp heads at 100% power. Or more when pulsed.
OLED display control and monitoring.
12,000 lm continuous output per head. Overdrive mode (pulsed) 16,000 lm.

For further information please contact a member of the team at Photo-Sonics International Ltd.