Photo-Sonics deliver the first two Optical Tracking Systems to White Sand Missile Range

28th September 2021:
After two and a half years of engineering, fabrication, and assembly, Photo-Sonics Inc. is pleased to have delivered the first two ARTIS/MITS Fly-Out Optical Tracking Systems to White Sand Missile Range yesterday. They will be undergoing three months of test and evaluation before production begins on further units.
These new systems are the most technologically advanced systems we have ever produced. The advanced features include Automatic Self-Surveying, Automatic Stellar and Target Board Calibration, Metric Zoom Lenses, Metadata Recording, Digital Multi-Gate Auto-Tracker, and a Multi-Station Processing and Control System that generates real-time TSPI data and also provides a 2D and 3D visualization toolset to display the tracks in real-time.
For a more details contact Photo-Sonics International.